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Why Email Marketing Shouldn’t Be Ignored

If you ever hear that email marketing is “dead,” then whoever told you did you a favour; you now know not to trust any of their other advice. The idea that email marketing is no longer worthwhile is simply nonsense, as the average professional checks their email 15 to 21 times per day.

Almost everybody has an email account, and almost all of them check it regularly. Without email marketing, you’re missing out on one of the greatest marketing opportunities you have. Let’s talk about email marketing, its importance, and why it’s so beneficial for B2G marketing!

Email Marketing Offers the Highest ROI

On average, email marketing offers the highest ROI, at £42 for every £1 spent, on average. That’s a 4200% ROI.

Compare that to the hottest marketing trend, SEO, which only has around a 275% ROI or £2.75 per £1 spent. Keep in mind, that’s after only months of trying to move up in the rankings!

This alone should tell you the importance of email marketing, but there are still plenty of reasons to incorporate it into your strategy.

Low Startup Costs

Again, we’ll use SEO as an example. You will likely have to put thousands of pounds into website optimisation, content creation, and more to see a return.

Conversely, all you need is an email list to start a successful email campaign. You may buy one or you may build one organically, but once you have those emails, your campaigns can be low-cost or even free, if you know how to design an email!

Customer Retention

They say that a 5% increase in customer retention can result in up to 95% increases in profits. This makes perfect sense when you think about it.

A substantial base of repeat customers can keep your business afloat in the long run. You can continue attracting new customers until you run out of them. If you already have a base that enjoys your products, why not try to keep them engaged?

Finding new customers is only half of the battle in marketing. Keeping them is the other half. Email marketing is one of the best tools you have, along with social media, to keep your existing customers engaged.


Professional email campaigns can easily use personalisation, which has higher open rates and conversion rates on average. This is a great way to help your customer base feel like a part of your brand.

Whether this means adding their name in the subject line or offering personalised deals based on their purchase history, personalisation gives email an edge over social media and other outlets!

Strengthening Relationships

Advertisements, SEO campaigns, and other marketing tools don’t allow you to strengthen relationships with your customer base. Social media is great, but not everybody uses it daily, and you can’t respond to every comment or like on your feed.

Conversely, showing up in someone’s email inbox regularly can reinforce your brand and help foster a relationship with your customer base.

Email Is Device-Neutral

While you hear debates about whether it’s time to adopt the “mobile-first” strategy on their websites, you can skip that line. Email campaigns work on any device, meaning that you can reach anybody with a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Also, most people have notifications on for their emails, again across devices.

As a result, email breaks generational and demographic barriers, unlike certain social media platforms. Another important note is that it’s industry-neutral, making email perfect for reaching professionals, businesses, students, governments, doctors, you name it!

Fast Results

Once you have an email list, you can generate fast results with your promotional material. Emails reach inboxes almost instantaneously, and notifications on smart devices can immediately alert your subscribers. Promotional content can yield near-instant conversions, which you can easily track using your favourite analytics tools.

At the beginning of a campaign, you may find challenges with early results. In that case, consider hiring professional email marketing services to help get the ball rolling. From there, it’s a lot easier and more cost-effective to continue!

Email Is Testable

Over time, you can easily measure your email campaign and make adjustments as needed. It’s always a work in progress.

Email marketing is fairly simple, as they have a limited number of metrics to track. Your normal website analytics will tell you a lot, but then your open rate, clickthrough rate, and new subscriber/unsubscribe rates are really the only factors to consider. This makes it quite simple and straightforward to improve upon over time.

Again, a 4200% return is only the average, meaning the sky is the limit. You can run A/B testing, track engagement rates on your site, experiment with new subject lines and calls to action, and so much more. Once you get a feel for your target audience, there’s no limit to how much you can earn.

Attracting New Clients

Email does not have to be limited to customer retention. If your target audience has their emails available to the public, you can build an email list and market directly to them. This makes email a diverse marketing strategy for any goal or industry!

Use Email in Your B2G Marketing Campaign

Now that you know some of the key benefits of email marketing, add it to your B2G marketing strategy today. Every B2G marketing campaign we develop is based on data, driven by insights, and customised to the target market and your objectives. Our Ingenium Email Packages allow you to reach and convince the decision-makers looking for businesses like yours.


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